Chapter 6 (Continued)

The War of the Mage Kings has ended and a shattered world must take stock and try to rebuild. In the only city saved from the destruction, dangerous factions conspire against one another and threaten the lives and livelihoods of the citizens. Someone has to do something.

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Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Post by 78rpmlife »

Ianaeveli Tigenet wrote: Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:40 pm "I know that feeling," Iana agrees, her laugh ruefully sympathetic this time. "Thank you. I'd appreciate that. It shouldn't take us too long to find what we're looking for." She starts to lead the way deeper into the Bin, tilting her head to indicate where Garnyn should follow. "Over this way."
The building itself looks like any busy office anywhere. Disorganized. Chaotic. A microcosm of all the world's people, all exhibiting varying degrees of harried, milling this way and that. A few take a moment to wave or nod to Iana on their way to one engagement or another, but by and large it's a collection of Very Busy and Important People on their way to take care of Important Things.

Garnyn follows Iana closely, not wanting to get lost in the analyst maelstrom, but it's evident from the look on his face that he's fascinated by the place. "Is it always like this, or are the demonstrations sending everyone into high gear?" he asks. "It's surprisingly exciting."

He breathes out a laugh, his smile growing. "I'm sorry... there are some of my kin here. One of them said that it's usually quite boring and this is all a big show for my benefit. They're very sarcastic, as a rule," he explains. "Maybe you know them, Airenc of Cyr?"

* * *

The small talk fades as Iana leads the way to the Archives. Located at the center of the building, there is only one entrance to the Archives and it isn't so much guarded as it is highly controlled. All items taken in or removed are assiduously catalogued by the archivist on duty. The running joke in Obsidian is that you have to have your sense of humor surgically removed when you join the Archivists. Like any running joke, there's a healthy amount of truth to it, and to the alternate version: only people without a sense of humor ever think of joining. You learn early in the Bin to not mess with the Archivists, because they can and will make your life extremely unpleasant.

The Archivist currently on duty is turned away from the door when Iana and Garnyn first enter the foyer, rummaging among files on the broad desk that sits beside the door to the main archive. Hearing the door slide shut, she turns around and Iana realizes that today may especially be a day not to mess with the Archivists: Katen Tinadra is on duty. Initially, her expression is polite and serious, but there's an unmistakable hardening around her eyes and a pinch to her mouth when she spots Iana. She reaches stiffly to pull her official Archivist's robe more tightly around herself. "Hello, Iana," she says thinly. She spares a glance for Garnyn, looking him up and down before narrowing her eyes as she searches for an Obsidian pin on his person. FInding none, she turns back to Iana. "You'll need authorization to take someone from outside Obsidian into the archives," she says, smug satisfaction quirking her lips.

This is not, nor has it ever been, a rule of the Archives. There are sections that are accessed only by someone of the proper security clearance, yes, but anyone affiliated with the School at large is usually allowed access to the main archive. But this is Katen, who has always relished making Iana's life just a little bit more difficult ever since they were Novices together.
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Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Post by 78rpmlife »

Asralynn Beauchaud wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 1:37 pm "Good day to you," she returned with a polite smile, approaching the desk. "I was hoping to see the Headmaster in regards to the rioting. I have a report for him," she explains.
The receptionist looks silently back at Asra for a long uncomfortable moment. He doesn't move. He barely even breathes, as far as she can tell. No change in expression, no approval or disapproval.

Once he deems that to have gone on long enough, he lowers his head to look at a broad sheet of glass on the desk. Lifting one slender hand, he waves it over the surface of the glass, which lights up with a gentle glow. It's been some time since Asra's seen a fully functional glass like this. Of course, her family had such things back in Kasial. In fact, they were quite common as replacements for physical books of any sort before the war: their enchantment was such that someone could touch the surface and transfer thoughts into them to be represented as words, pictures, some even translated thoughts into music. Since the war and especially since the Wards went up, such things largely stopped working or malfunctioned in unpredictable ways. The fact that the Headmaster -- or at least his office -- is still using enchanted items such as this as though they remained everyday amenities is unexpected. Conspicuous.

The glow from the glass shifts as the receptionist scans his index finger over it. He looks up once again with that same bland, expressionless face. "I have no appointments scheduled for the Headmaster at this time. Perhaps your appointment is for another day?" he says politely. "Otherwise, I will check if he has another time available. May I have your name?"
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Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Post by Georg Elsebethson »

78rpmlife wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2024 7:01 pmElda runs the tip of her tongue over her dry lips as she nods. "If we get close enough, I know how to find my way through the barrier. At least to let her know we're aware and working on it. Anything to feel less alone," she says. "If there can be something good to come out of that period of my life, then..."

Her slim shoulders rise and fall. She looks up at Georg, the markings on her face turning a warm golden color he's learned to recognize as being grateful. She says nothing, aloud or mentally, just tilts her head toward a hallway and leads on.

As they walk, Elda sends, If she is being held captive and we don't want to draw attention, we'll have to approach from a different direction. I should be able to get close enough without us being seen, but it will take a few moments for me to break through from a farther distance.

They reach a hallway of small rooms: study carrels, practice areas and the like. There are a couple of Scholars and Novices about, moving into and out of the rooms. None of them seem to take note of Elda and Georg in particular -- Whitestone is big enough that not everyone knows each other. One fellow, reading a slim book open in his hands as he walks, does do a double-take when he looks up and finds the towering Granite Scholar a few feet away, but he just murmurs an apology and changes his path to avoid a collision. Last room on the right ought to work.

They settle inside the room and close the door behind them. Elda goes to put a hand on the back wall and closes her eyes. She makes no movement other than breathing for a long while, long enough that Georg starts to wonder if she's not able to make contact. Suddenly she breathes in sharply and her shoulders relax. "I have her," she whispers.

Whatever telepathic conversation they may be having, Elda doesn't clue Georg in immediately. It isn't until she lets her fingers slide down the wall and withdraws her hand that she turns to explain. I was able to communicate to her, but I couldn't make a big enough break in the barrier for her to communicate back beyond emotions. She is furious and tired and grateful and lonely and... I couldn't untangle them all. When I told her we were going to talk to this Risine Barimond, I felt as though she approved. But at least she knows we're working on her behalf. I would have said more, but it was difficult enough to break through. Any longer and I fear I may have alerted someone. There's no guarantee that I didn't set off alarms anyway, but I don't believe that I did.
Georg rests a hand on Elda's shoulder briefly, then squeezes through the hallways after her, painfully aware that he is quite out of place here and therefore quite memorable. If Rothenend doesn't already know he's conspiring with Adaye and likely working against him, it won't be hard for him to find out. That's a risk he's willing to take, however, if it means letting Adaye know that they are aware of what's happened and are working to help her.

Once they find a suitably quiet room, Georg stands guard just inside the door in case anyone tries to come in while Elda is working. It takes long enough that Georg has time to get antsy and wonder if there's something he can do to help, but he errs on the side of not distracting Elda while she's working. Sitting with nerves and waiting is a useful skill for a Granite scholar to practice, after all. When Elda makes contact, he takes a deep breath and lets his shoulders relax. "That's good work, and it'll make things easier all around." Not that anything about today was going to be easy, but being able to truthfully say that Adaye had approved of their soliciting Risine to be her advocate on her behalf might help smooth things over.
78rpmlife wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2024 7:01 pmRisine Barimond may not have given up an office in the Dawnstone faculty area, but it's clearly not because she had a great view or a short walk from her residence. Her office is in a weather-beaten converted residence whose better days passed decades ago, on the ground floor, in the back corner of a back hallway next to what appears to be a maintenance closet judging from the mops and brooms visible through the door that seems to be missing a latch.

There is a nameplate on her half-ajar door that attributes the room beyond to her with a small brass sun sigil of Orien beneath it. Before Elda and Georg can approach and knock, however, she appears in the doorway. She is quite tall and angular in build, dressed in a tailored green jacket and matching necktie over a wide-collared white shirt and a slim skirt that reaches to mid-calf. Her silver hair is a bit wild and unfocused, but her gaze is anything but as she discovers visitors out in the hallway. Her features around a pair of wire-rimmed eyeglasses are sharp and handsome, with strong eyebrows on a lined forehead, suggesting she's prone to raising those brows in skeptical disapproval. When she speaks, her voice is deeper than perhaps expected and smoky, rough around the edges from long use.

"You are no janitors and few get so lost as to find their way here by accident, so I am forced to deduce that for reasons I hope are fascinating you have come looking for me specifically," she says, leaning against the doorframe with one outstretched arm, other hand resting on a cocked hip. "Well, you have found me and I beg of you, regardless of whether I am right or wrong, please tell me a good story. If not, I will be forced to attend an interminable and pointless meeting likely to result in my premature death due to boredom."
Georg had been expecting a fairly run-of-the-mill office, not an ill-kept closet, but on reflection, it makes sense. Dawnstone likely retains the right to re-assign offices "as needed," even if they are obligated to set one aside for Barimond, and making it the least palatable room they could while still meeting basic requirements is exactly the kind of petty bureaucratic revenge Georg has come to expect. When Barimond herself comes out and declares that she has somewhere to be (even though she doesn't want to be there), Georg is forced to consider something that he really should have before now. They are relying on Morwenna's recommendation, but Morwenna is not from this page. For all they know, this Risine could have made different choices than the one she knows, could have a different position or priorities, in the same way that Drexel's Georg had made choices that estranged him from his family. She may never have thumbed her nose at the College on principle at all. Adaye had communicated approval, but that may have been for the idea of getting her an Advocate in general, not for Barimond specifically.

It's a bit late to second guess now, though, especially when they don't have a better option. Reminding himself that Drexel hadn't realized he was a different Georg until he hadn't known things he was supposed to know, he places his hopes on the idea that, different choices aside, character might be essentially the same across pages. It's all moot if they don't convince her to talk to them instead of going to her meeting anyway. Georg had been preparing to make a serious, urgent plea, but with the way Risine is talking, he reconsiders. She is, apparently, desperate for distraction. She wants a story. Thankfully, Georg knows how to give her just that.

Georg draws himself up to his full height, just barely avoiding scraping his scalp against the ceiling, not to loom, but to adopt the air of a herald on the stage declaiming exposition. "There has been an egregious abuse of power," he solemnly intones. "Headmaster Rothenend has confined Master Adaye of Ningen without warning nor cause. Rumors swirl about that the charge is treason, but there has been no official word. Worse, he has imprisoned her behind wards that cut off her telepathic communion with her people, an act tantamount to blindfolding her and tossing her in an oubliette." Georg gazes down at Risine. "She needs a champion—an Advocate—to fight for justice and relieve these unconscionable conditions. Will you answer that call?"
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Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Post by Asralynn Beauchaud »

The receptionist looks silently back at Asra for a long uncomfortable moment. He doesn't move. He barely even breathes, as far as she can tell. No change in expression, no approval or disapproval.
Asra, for the most part, meets the receptionist's uncomfortable stare. For a moment, she believes him to be sizing her up, or perhaps wondering at her audacity. After a while, though, she starts to wonder if he were some sort of automaton, and had merely run out of steam at an inopportune time. Regardless, by the end, she was shifting a bit uncomfortably under his gaze.
Once he deems that to have gone on long enough, he lowers his head to look at a broad sheet of glass on the desk. Lifting one slender hand, he waves it over the surface of the glass, which lights up with a gentle glow. It's been some time since Asra's seen a fully functional glass like this. Of course, her family had such things back in Kasial. In fact, they were quite common as replacements for physical books of any sort before the war: their enchantment was such that someone could touch the surface and transfer thoughts into them to be represented as words, pictures, some even translated thoughts into music. Since the war and especially since the Wards went up, such things largely stopped working or malfunctioned in unpredictable ways. The fact that the Headmaster -- or at least his office -- is still using enchanted items such as this as though they remained everyday amenities is unexpected. Conspicuous.

The glow from the glass shifts as the receptionist scans his index finger over it. He looks up once again with that same bland, expressionless face. "I have no appointments scheduled for the Headmaster at this time. Perhaps your appointment is for another day?" he says politely. "Otherwise, I will check if he has another time available. May I have your name?"
She gazes wistfully at the glass, looking back on her memories of home. She'd been gifted an item like that once, when she was young and had just begun showing an aptitude for magic. She remembers using it to create a little picture book of her own design. It wasn't very good...

"Asralynn Beauchaud of Whitestone," she states confidently, though she was beginning to become a bit anxious the longer this took. "I didn't have an appointment, but the Headmaster sent me on an errand regarding the riots, and I've simply come to report to him on my success. If there is time, I'll gladly make an appointment, but my assumption was that he would be eager to hear about the negotiations that I assisted in establishing."
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Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Post by Ianaeveli Tigenet »

78rpmlife wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:10 pm
He breathes out a laugh, his smile growing. "I'm sorry... there are some of my kin here. One of them said that it's usually quite boring and this is all a big show for my benefit. They're very sarcastic, as a rule," he explains. "Maybe you know them, Airenc of Cyr?"
Exciting? The Bin? Well, Iana finds excitement there, sometimes. But it's the excitement of discovery; of connecting dots and filling in blanks.

Which is what's happening all around them, though; and the realization that Garnyn can see it and appreciate it brings out another quick smile - as does the fact that he feels all right enough to laugh, when he hears his relative's comment in his mind.

"Oh, yes, Airenc," she replies. "I haven't worked too closely with them, but I know they do very good work. They focus mostly on financial investigations, don't they?" Not something that overlaps too much with Iana's own research, and definitely not her main area of expertise - but she always has a healthy amount of respect for people who can do it.
The Archivist currently on duty is turned away from the door when Iana and Garnyn first enter the foyer, rummaging among files on the broad desk that sits beside the door to the main archive. Hearing the door slide shut, she turns around and Iana realizes that today may especially be a day not to mess with the Archivists: Katen Tinadra is on duty. Initially, her expression is polite and serious, but there's an unmistakable hardening around her eyes and a pinch to her mouth when she spots Iana. She reaches stiffly to pull her official Archivist's robe more tightly around herself. "Hello, Iana," she says thinly. She spares a glance for Garnyn, looking him up and down before narrowing her eyes as she searches for an Obsidian pin on his person. FInding none, she turns back to Iana. "You'll need authorization to take someone from outside Obsidian into the archives," she says, smug satisfaction quirking her lips.

This is not, nor has it ever been, a rule of the Archives. There are sections that are accessed only by someone of the proper security clearance, yes, but anyone affiliated with the School at large is usually allowed access to the main archive. But this is Katen, who has always relished making Iana's life just a little bit more difficult ever since they were Novices together.
Of course. Of course it would be Katen.

Iana has never even been sure why Katen had taken such a dislike to her. They had barely interacted at all before that seminar where Katen had first snapped at her. It wasn't about race, because Katen was perfectly civil to the other elf in that class - but 'not racist' is about the most favorable thing that Iana could say about her.

She makes herself pause, letting out a long slow breath as she counts to five. She cannot afford any obstacles in her path, and given even half a chance, Katen will only be too happy to throw all sorts of obstacles at Iana.

Plus, there is no way at all that Iana will let her hassle Garnyn. Not today.

So, she puts on a smooth neutral smile that does not come anywhere close to reaching her eyes, and steps forward. "Actually," Iana begins - one of her favorite things to say to Katen! - "this section of the Archives is accessible to anyone with a security clearance of Green or higher. Which of course any scholar of the second year or higher in good standing in any college would have. Surely someone with a memory like yours would recall Section 5a and 5b of the Archives Code; as well as the procedures for granting clearance to scholars at the beginning of every year." She infuses the smile with a tiny bit more sugar as she adds, "I know your time is very valuable, and I wouldn't want to waste any more of it. We'll be on our way now."

There, that should be enough. And if it isn't…well, Iana can hope that Garnyn will know enough to call over his sharp-tongued relative for reinforcement. And hope even more that Katen hasn't taken a spontaneous dislike to them.
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Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Post by 78rpmlife »

Georg Elsebethson wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:39 pm Georg draws himself up to his full height, just barely avoiding scraping his scalp against the ceiling, not to loom, but to adopt the air of a herald on the stage declaiming exposition. "There has been an egregious abuse of power," he solemnly intones. "Headmaster Rothenend has confined Master Adaye of Ningen without warning nor cause. Rumors swirl about that the charge is treason, but there has been no official word. Worse, he has imprisoned her behind wards that cut off her telepathic communion with her people, an act tantamount to blindfolding her and tossing her in an oubliette." Georg gazes down at Risine. "She needs a champion—an Advocate—to fight for justice and relieve these unconscionable conditions. Will you answer that call?"
Risine's brows rise on her head as Georg begins his proclamation, glancing at Elda once, then back. That's the only outward change in expression, though she does stand straighter and lets her hand fall from the doorframe. When Georg finishes, one eyebrow draws down and her lips press together as she looks at them both.

"Either you've been workshopping that little speech or you were born to be on the stage. When I asked for a good story, I wasn't expecting the plot of a political thriller declaimed on my doorstep," she says finally, one corner of her mouth lifting. "You might as well come in. Crazy or not, you're more entertaining than my other options."

She turns on her heel and moves purposefully into her office, such as it is. As expected from the modest exterior, it is little more than a glorified closet. The walls are overtaken by bookshelves, volumes stacked two deep and threatening to spill out onto the floor, with one small window behind the desk. In contrast to the overcrowded shelves, the desk is nearly spotless save for a small framed picture that occupies one corner: a painting of an elegant dark-haired woman with one arm draped across the back of a garden bench as she contemplates a small pond behind it. There is room for two to sit, though someone of Georg's size would find it a squeeze, which Risine recognizes as she steps around behind and tosses a leather-bound portfolio on the surface.

"I would suggest that you both make yourselves comfortable, but that's... going to be a challenge. You're welcome to sit if that makes you comfortable. Otherwise, I fear I'll have to ask you to stand for a few minutes," she says, spreading her hands to take in the cramped confines. "I don't entertain many visitors and precious few of those have your impressive stature...?" She trails off with an implied question, and introductions are exchanged.

Once Georg has decided on his place in the office (Elda chooses to sit, thinking it may give Georg more room), Risine sits in her own chair and folds her hands atop the desk.

"To cut through the drama, if you don't mind -- I'm old and tired, you understand -- you are telling me that the Headmaster of this school has imprisoned one of his own Masters on suspicion of treason? A woman, I might add, who he hand-selected to become Master of his former College when he ascended to the Headmaster's office and has always been considered one of his strongest allies on the governing council of the School," she says, leaning back with a slow, whiny creak from the wooden chair. "I've taught neither of you. I've met neither of you. Therefore I am forced to deduce that you are here because I have a reputation for hopeless cases and lost causes. However, what I can't quite puzzle out yet is why two mismatched Scholars are the ones seeking my services rather than one of her known allies."

She taps her steepled fingers together and continues before Georg or Elda can answer, her eyes dancing. "It is a political thriller, isn't it?" With a sudden motion, she slaps her hands palms-down on the desktop. "By Orien's knotted beard, sign me up. I've been wanting to stick a thumb in Rothenend's eye for years. Tell me everything you know," she breathes, leaning forward to prop her chin in her hands, eyeglasses askew, grinning like a kid who's just been given the candy jar.
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Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Post by Georg Elsebethson »

78rpmlife wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 11:14 pm"To cut through the drama, if you don't mind -- I'm old and tired, you understand -- you are telling me that the Headmaster of this school has imprisoned one of his own Masters on suspicion of treason? A woman, I might add, who he hand-selected to become Master of his former College when he ascended to the Headmaster's office and has always been considered one of his strongest allies on the governing council of the School," she says, leaning back with a slow, whiny creak from the wooden chair. "I've taught neither of you. I've met neither of you. Therefore I am forced to deduce that you are here because I have a reputation for hopeless cases and lost causes. However, what I can't quite puzzle out yet is why two mismatched Scholars are the ones seeking my services rather than one of her known allies."

She taps her steepled fingers together and continues before Georg or Elda can answer, her eyes dancing. "It is a political thriller, isn't it?" With a sudden motion, she slaps her hands palms-down on the desktop. "By Orien's knotted beard, sign me up. I've been wanting to stick a thumb in Rothenend's eye for years. Tell me everything you know," she breathes, leaning forward to prop her chin in her hands, eyeglasses askew, grinning like a kid who's just been given the candy jar.
Georg groans from where he's wedged himself into the corner of the room standing. "You don't know the half of it, and I'm going to tell you, but you should know that this is all very sensitive and just knowing it increases your risk." He shrugs, rattling a bookshelf. "But since I don't think that will stop you in the slightest, I'll just take it as given that you're willing to take that risk." He paused just long enough for her to interject, then continues.

"We've been investigating an apparent conspiracy in this city, one which seems to be aimed at sabotaging the Wards. We don't have any evidence Rothenend is involved—frankly, I'd be at a loss to explain it if we did, since he seems like the last person to want to bring the Wards down—but it's possible that in investigating that we've brushed up against something he's got cooking off-books. We do know that he's somehow connected to the girl who mysteriously came through the Wards and then disappeared." Georg glanced at Elda, knowing she has her own theories about Rothenend's involvement.

"In any event, Master Adaye has been helping us investigate this conspiracy. We think the murder of Jupin Askel—and the framing of a Naucan Scholar for it—is another of their schemes, and she was helping us ensure that we retained access to the supposed murderer's body in order to investigate. Then Rothenend suddenly puts her under lock and key."

Georg knows that he's leaving quite a bit out, and it goes against all the times his mother hammered into his head that he should always tell the advocate working for him everything and all of it true, but he's not sure he can start talking about pages and people being brought from one into another without Risine thinking they're a couple of cranks.
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Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Post by 78rpmlife »

Asralynn Beauchaud wrote: Mon Sep 16, 2024 9:40 pm "Asralynn Beauchaud of Whitestone," she states confidently, though she was beginning to become a bit anxious the longer this took. "I didn't have an appointment, but the Headmaster sent me on an errand regarding the riots, and I've simply come to report to him on my success. If there is time, I'll gladly make an appointment, but my assumption was that he would be eager to hear about the negotiations that I assisted in establishing."
The receptionist cants an eyebrow upward. Again, there's an awkwardly long silence, but finally he stands up. "I will consult the Headmaster. Please wait," he says, then turns on his heel to move through the other door in the room. It closes behind him with an audible click. Asra is alone, as far as she can see. How alone and for how long isn't clear.
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Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Post by AftermathGM »

Ianaeveli Tigenet wrote: Sun Sep 22, 2024 5:52 pm So, she puts on a smooth neutral smile that does not come anywhere close to reaching her eyes, and steps forward. "Actually," Iana begins - one of her favorite things to say to Katen! - "this section of the Archives is accessible to anyone with a security clearance of Green or higher. Which of course any scholar of the second year or higher in good standing in any college would have. Surely someone with a memory like yours would recall Section 5a and 5b of the Archives Code; as well as the procedures for granting clearance to scholars at the beginning of every year." She infuses the smile with a tiny bit more sugar as she adds, "I know your time is very valuable, and I wouldn't want to waste any more of it. We'll be on our way now."

There, that should be enough. And if it isn't…well, Iana can hope that Garnyn will know enough to call over his sharp-tongued relative for reinforcement. And hope even more that Katen hasn't taken a spontaneous dislike to them.
"And Section 7 supersedes when there's a theft from the Archives," Katen says, an acid edge creeping into her voice as she crosses her arms over her chest. "You wouldn't know anything about missing materials, would you?" she continues, her voice growing sickly sweet. "You were, after all, digging into that supposed Kasiali noble weren't you? What was his name? Cavan? No, I remember. Chavon." She leans forward, planting her hands on the desk and staring at Iana. "There are several files regarding that investigation that are no longer in the Archives, with no record of them being signed out. So it's my discretion under Section 7, as Duty Archivist, as to who is allowed entry in and out. So I'd like to know why I should trust you -- and your friend here -- enough to let you in." Katen takes a long up and down look at Garnyn, then awaits Iana's answer.

She's not technically wrong. Section 7 does allow for restrictions to archive access under such conditions. However, Katen is still a Scholar, and a recently elevated one. She was notably furious when Iana rose to Scholar before her. Rumor has it that she falsified some of her work to try and move more quickly through the ranks. Whatever the reason, she was held back longer than other members of her cohort. In any case, it is unlikely that she would have been given the authority to make such a call, given her relatively junior status and her possible past ethical lapses.

Still, she's a roadblock and options are limited. A deal could be struck with Katen, perhaps. Iana could appeal to her supervisor and undoubtedly be successful, but it would take time.
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Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Post by Asralynn Beauchaud »

The receptionist cants an eyebrow upward. Again, there's an awkwardly long silence, but finally he stands up. "I will consult the Headmaster. Please wait," he says, then turns on his heel to move through the other door in the room. It closes behind him with an audible click. Asra is alone, as far as she can see. How alone and for how long isn't clear.
"I eagerly await his response," Asra responds with carefully practiced patience. As soon as the door clicks behind him, however, an emotion carefully hidden behind her calm demeanor erupts.

"O's and A!" she hisses under her breath excitedly, prancing with a little hop and skip over the nearest "wall" to examine it further. Her academic curiosity was burning furiously, angry at how long it had taken for the receptionist to leave so that she could examine the masterpiece of an enchantment that turned the walls fully transparent for such a beautiful panoramic view. Or perhaps they were like the door, and showing an idyllic scene as opposed to the real thing? Whatever the cause, it was masterful, and she had to know how it worked.

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