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Chapter 6 (Continued)

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 7:31 pm
by AftermathGM
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Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 7:52 pm
by AftermathGM
"The very thought of a woman more suspicious-minded than a Shining Guard officer will haunt my nightmares, I'm sure," Georg replies, dry as Orien's radiant forehead. "Spare a thought for my poor boots, which will be worn out by sundown at this rate and cost a pretty penny to accommodate my hooves."
Lireba's snort of laughter could match Georg for its dryness. "Yes, well... if that's the case, I can recommend a good cobbler in town. I'll leave you to your discussion," she says. Her bow to Jaipha is stiff in its formality, not overly deep. Polite rather than fawning. "Please think on what I've suggested." she adds to the Naucan woman as she executes a near-parade turn and walks off with a sigh toward two of her men currently arguing with one another and not paying attention to their post.

Jaipha breathes out a long, soft sigh, though neither her expression nor her facial markings change to indicate any other emotion.
"It's good that you have someone like Eldarin here, despite the Wards. It would have been tragic to lose someone without, well..." Georg trails off, not sure if he should have said in that much in mixed company. Since he's in the habit of holding his foot perilously close to his maw, however, he does venture, "Are they getting the help they need?"

He shakes his head. "I won't say I understand, because I'm sure I don't, but I sympathize. I'll do my best not to take anything personally. Being feared is something of an occupational and personal hazard, so I have some experience in that area." He places a hand over Jaipha's with utmost gentleness. "I appreciate the warning."
Jaipha turns her hand over, touching palm to Georg's palm, and gives his much larger hand a gentle squeeze. "I know you do," she says with a gentle smile. There's a depth to her gaze. Serious. Sad. Knowing. Warm. It's reminiscent of someone much older than she appears to be. "Eldarin is different, though it's a subtle difference and I haven't been able to spare the time or the mental space to explore it with them. Something's happened, I'm guessing? Something other than grief and loss? They are... more certain. They may need help soon, but for now, they are a rock in the middle of a swirling stream. A constant. And that's been a blessing for many of our kin today."

Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 9:41 pm
by Georg Elsebethson
AftermathGM wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 7:52 pmJaipha turns her hand over, touching palm to Georg's palm, and gives his much larger hand a gentle squeeze. "I know you do," she says with a gentle smile. There's a depth to her gaze. Serious. Sad. Knowing. Warm. It's reminiscent of someone much older than she appears to be. "Eldarin is different, though it's a subtle difference and I haven't been able to spare the time or the mental space to explore it with them. Something's happened, I'm guessing? Something other than grief and loss? They are... more certain. They may need help soon, but for now, they are a rock in the middle of a swirling stream. A constant. And that's been a blessing for many of our kin today."
This Jaipha is a far cry from the one who never missed a chance to proposition him, never passed up in innuendo, in the short time he's known her. Georg wants to unburden himself, pour his cares into those eyes. Recount his growing horror at the realization of Elda slipping away, his anger at the way she seemed inclined to just let it happen, forcing himself to talk her back. But he doesn't know if it's appropriate for him to tell if Eldarin didn't see fit to share that already, and while he's concerned they might be burying things in order to be be support their community needs, Rovan already knows what happened. If he can trust anyone to keep an eye out for Eldarin's well-being, it's the old healer. After too long a silence (see how they like it, comes the fleeting, perverse thought), he says, "It's their calling. I think maybe that became real today in a way it wasn't, before." His massive shoulders heave like an aftershock. "But I've only know them a fraction of the time and a fraction of the extent you have, so who am I to say?"

"Anyway," he says with a slow shake of his head. "I do need to speak with them, so I'd better get in there. Shout if you need anything." He gives Jaipha's hand a pat, then makes his way to the kinship entrance. As he steps in, it feels as though the weight of the community's grief settles over him like a shroud, and he steps just to the side of the entrance so that he can catch his breath without blocking it, waiting for a chance to discreetly catch Eldarin's attention, for all that his presence is impossible to hide.

Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 2:52 pm
by Asralynn Beauchaud
Finch sinks her head into her hands, then presses her fingers to her temples. She glances over at Morwenna as the elven woman draws in a breath at Asra's question. Presented with proof that such things can be, indeed.

Saneq is the first to speak after Asra's theory is dropped into the mix.

"These are two possibilities, yes. She could be under undue influence from outside forces or she could be another version of herself from another page."

Garnyn clears his throat politely, then adds, "It seems those two possibilities are not mutually exclusive, though. If she is from another page, someone could be extorting her cooperation in order to..." He trails off here, uncertain how to finish.

Morwenna takes up the thread, saying softly, "In order to allow her safe return to her own page, mayhap." She turns an eye to each of the group, adding. "Such a possibility would be a powerful motivator."

Finch has been trying to follow all of this, and only partly succeeding. "So we need to find out which it is. Or what else it could be. Or--" She cuts off suddenly, remembering what Georg had told her about Sophie and the Mayor's Ball. "Wait. There's something else."

She reaches across the table toward Iana, laying her palm down flat on the surface. "You said that Charei was insisting that Ti go to the Mayor's Ball?" Finch drums her fingers on the table several times. "Something is going to happen at the ball. Something dangerous. I don't know what it is and I... can't tell you how I know. That's Per... er, Georg's tale to tell. But it has to be tied up with Charei somehow." Finch rolls her eyes upward. "Ugh. I hate mysteries. Just... give me something to smack around, okay? Surely somebody in this mess needs a good smacking around. I just... don't want it to be Charei. She was always so kind. She used to tell these wonderful stories. I could listen to her all day, with that silky voice of hers."
"That could explain why she's acting differently," Iana begins slowly. "Why she's hired new guards - not just because she's afraid of something and wants the protection, but because she wants to bring on people who hadn't known her well before, and therefore who wouldn't be able to tell if there had been a change in her behavior. She hasn't been spending much time with Tisara, even though Ti has barely left the house: since Ti is the person who is the most likely to notice any differences. And that could be the reason why she is suddenly spending so much time with Emmenal Angousk," Iana realizes. "If he's the only one who knows that she's the Charei from another page, and if he's working on this plot to weaken the barriers between pages..." She shakes her head. "But if this is a different Charei, what's happened to our Charei? Is she on that other page? Is she here, but held captive?" Of course there are other possibilities, but Iana cannot bring herself to speak them out loud. Not about her friend's mother.

Instead, she continues, "This morning, I heard Charei say that she needed Tisara to be at the ball. And not the way she would have said it if she simply needed Ti to help keep up political appearances - it sounded more urgent than that." She slides her hand across the tabletop towards Finch's in a mirror of the other woman's gesture, and her eyes seek Finch's as she says quietly, "I don't want her to be the one behind all of this either. I've known her all my life! And if she is, then that means that Ti is in even more danger than we thought. We have to find some way to keep Tisara safe, no matter what Charei is up to."
Asra cannot suppress the groan of frustration that escapes her lips, and, pressing her hand against her head, leans back into the wall behind her. They could sit here and speculate and theorize on what is happening, but in the end, they were only guessing. To act on anything but what they already know would be not only foolish, but potentially dangerous. Especially since there are more lives at stake here than only their own.

Not for the first time, she wonders why she agreed to assist with any of this, before telling herself it had nothing to do with agreement. She stumbled into this mess by sticking her nose into the latest gossip. And once again, her nosiness had gotten her into more than she could handle.

Feeling a weariness more appropriate to her cronish outer-shell, her mind wandered as the others spoke of the Mayor's Ball and the dangers to Tisara and the Charei of their own reality. Releasing the pressure from her own head, her fingers resuming their idle movements on the tabletop, a familiar rhythm taking hold of them as her mind wanders to times long past. Times of her youth, when things were simpler, and the only puzzles and riddles she had to unravel were at the behest of her tutor, a harsh, but familial woman of similar age to Asra's illusion, whose mind seemed to work in stranger ways than even hers.

When she would moan and whine when things got too difficult, the old woman would tut, and recite an old poem to assist in righting Asra's way of thinking.
► Show Spoiler
The rhyme snapped her back to the present, her tapping paused as she recites inwardly once more. "Look between, below, behind, to find a thread we can unwind. For in our head, we'll be mislead, if we leave them all combined," she finally utter aloud, looking around meaningfully at the others. Shaking her head, she explains, "We're looking at too much at once, and because of that, we're muddling everything together into an unrecognizable mess."

"We've got reality breaking and allowing people through the pages, and allowing others to see through it," she explains, lifting up one finger to count it off. "We've got Angousk poking his nose into Firefly's business, with her blessing, along with a stark change in her usual behavior. We've got shadow freaks coming in from the Vaelt and stirring up trouble, but other shadow not freaks trying to stop it. We've got these damned black-boxes threatening to tear everything down. And a mess with Weasel Boy left to unravel..." With a whole handful of fingers up, she places it back down on the table and lets out a breath slowly. "I'm sure there are countless more facts and issues we've left to discover, but we've little time and little to act on."

Her eyes take in Finch and Iana. "With luck, perhaps we can focus on making sure Tisa stays safe. We'll be going to the Ball anyway, so that gives us ample opportunity to keep her within site. But until then, it may be prudent to follow other threads," she reassures them. "I, however, would like to check up on our little weasel friend. I have a better idea of whose at the top now, and knowing that might give us an advantage towards pulling some more info from him... if only I knew how. I can't necessarily just wander the streets in that disguise hoping her takes the bait. It'd better if we could properly bait him into a meeting."

Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 6:17 pm
by AftermathGM
The rhyme snapped her back to the present, her tapping paused as she recites inwardly once more. "Look between, below, behind, to find a thread we can unwind. For in our head, we'll be mislead, if we leave them all combined,"
Garnyn straightens a little in his seat at this snippet of verse, a slow smile drawing across his face. "In life, we all follow the trend, on that we can depend," he recites. "That's Boek, isn't it? From Western Winds? I always liked that one."

Finch chuckles, the chair creaking as she leans back. "They love it back home in the army. Never believe the enemy's propaganda. Verify everything. Trust no one. That sort of thing," she says as she interlaces her fingers behind her head. "Mine are a very paranoid people when it comes to a conflict." She glances toward the ceiling in thought, then shrugs. "And we're always in some sort of conflict, come to think of it, so..."

Garnyn's eyebrows lift slowly. "That's... an interpretation I haven't heard before."

"You might not have grown up expecting civil war to break out over a passing insult," Finch replies, tipping her head toward Garnyn. She turns toward Asra and adds with an impish twinkle in her eyes, "So glad that 'Weasel Boy' has caught on."

Saneq looks between each of them in turn and asks, "And just who is 'Weasel Boy'?"

Finch straightens up again, leaning forward with her elbows on the table. She never seems to sit still for very long. "His name's Chavon. A thrice-damned thug with delusions of grandeur. He looks like a weasel. Acts like one too. We've had some run-ins with him," she responds.

Saneq nods slowly, breathing out a sigh. "I'm familiar with the name. He's been making himself a nuisance down in the Canals. People I trust are sure that someone up island is propping him up as a challenger to the Pilot," she says, invoking the name of the mysterious individual leading the Ferrymen.

Finch nods. "That fits with what we know," she says, then turns to Asra. "So what do you want to do? You can change your disguise, but unless you disguise me too, I can't go with you. He'll recognize me." The flat set to her expression suggests just how much she doesn't like the idea of Asra going off on her own.

Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 6:45 pm
by Asralynn Beauchaud
Garnyn straightens a little in his seat at this snippet of verse, a slow smile drawing across his face. "In life, we all follow the trend, on that we can depend," he recites. "That's Boek, isn't it? From Western Winds? I always liked that one."

Finch chuckles, the chair creaking as she leans back. "They love it back home in the army. Never believe the enemy's propaganda. Verify everything. Trust no one. That sort of thing," she says as she interlaces her fingers behind her head. "Mine are a very paranoid people when it comes to a conflict." She glances toward the ceiling in thought, then shrugs. "And we're always in some sort of conflict, come to think of it, so..."

Garnyn's eyebrows lift slowly. "That's... an interpretation I haven't heard before."

"You might not have grown up expecting civil war to break out over a passing insult," Finch replies, tipping her head toward Garnyn.
Asra nods. "One of my tutors growing up was quite fond of that particular verse," she agrees, then furrows her brow in recollection. "Come to think of it, I believe she was Rhamian, or Dikozan, I suppose. Makes me wonder if she viewed the verse in a different light than I'd always taken it..." she mused aloud.
She turns toward Asra and adds with an impish twinkle in her eyes, "So glad that 'Weasel Boy' has caught on."

Saneq looks between each of them in turn and asks, "And just who is 'Weasel Boy'?"

Finch straightens up again, leaning forward with her elbows on the table. She never seems to sit still for very long. "His name's Chavon. A thrice-damned thug with delusions of grandeur. He looks like a weasel. Acts like one too. We've had some run-ins with him," she responds.

Saneq nods slowly, breathing out a sigh. "I'm familiar with the name. He's been making himself a nuisance down in the Canals. People I trust are sure that someone up island is propping him up as a challenger to the Pilot," she says, invoking the name of the mysterious individual leading the Ferrymen.

Finch nods. "That fits with what we know," she says, then turns to Asra. "So what do you want to do? You can change your disguise, but unless you disguise me too, I can't go with you. He'll recognize me." The flat set to her expression suggests just how much she doesn't like the idea of Asra going off on her own.
"I think I'd prefer to face him as the Lady of the Mists again. That would give me the best in-road to another conversation. Might also put him off his guard to have another encounter with her," she suggests. "But you're right, having you dressed the same as last time might not be for the best. I could always fully cover you in armor, but as we learned, knowing how that all fits together is not my forte. Might be best to dress you similarly, but in a more warrior-esque way... I'd have to think on it. But I'd prefer having you by my side."

Grimacing, she rubs the back of her neck to relieve the feeling of frustration starting to build. "But I'd have to get the message out first, and I don't know I'd even begin spreading that message out. Nor what to even ask him when we do... I was good enough at putting him off guard, but I feel like we fell into the information that we learned on accident. He may not be so careless this time," she worries.

Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 6:49 pm
by AftermathGM
Asra nods. "One of my tutors growing up was quite fond of that particular verse," she agrees, then furrows her brow in recollection. "Come to think of it, I believe she was Rhamian, or Dikozan, I suppose. Makes me wonder if she viewed the verse in a different light than I'd always taken it..." she mused aloud.
Finch's expression flattens even further. "Dikozan," she mutters. "I'm going to have to educate you on the proper way to refer to a Rhamian citizen, aren't I?" Her mouth tilts sideways in a wry smirk. "You're pretty, so I'll forgive you. This time."

Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 8:34 pm
by Ianaeveli Tigenet
Iana offers a little smile in reflection of Garnyn's - he has had precious little reason to smile over the last few hours, and it is good to see something bringing him happiness.

And an emphatic nod to Asra, in agreement to the need to keep Tisara safe.

But then, as the conversation turns to Chavon, a grimace of distaste to match Asra's shows through Iana's illusioned-smooth face to wrinkle her nose. "Chavon," she echoes. "Definitely a weasel. We've been watching him for a while." She does not specify who 'we' were, but when Iana speaks in that swift smooth rhythm, she almost certainly means Obsidian. "But there's never any proof for what he does! Or of who he is. He claims to be a Kasiali noble," she explains, with a brief roll of her eyes, "but nobody believes that that's true."
Grimacing, she rubs the back of her neck to relieve the feeling of frustration starting to build. "But I'd have to get the message out first, and I don't know I'd even begin spreading that message out. Nor what to even ask him when we do... I was good enough at putting him off guard, but I feel like we fell into the information that we learned on accident. He may not be so careless this time," she worries.
"What happened the last time you spoke with him?" Iana asks, her words coming slower now as they make their way out through more careful thought. "And what did he think of the Lady of Mists? Knowing that," she adds by way of quick explanation, "could help us figure out how to get him the message in the most effective way."

Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 9:24 pm
by Asralynn Beauchaud
Finch's expression flattens even further. "Dikozan," she mutters. "I'm going to have to educate you on the proper way to refer to a Rhamian citizen, aren't I?" Her mouth tilts sideways in a wry smirk. "You're pretty, so I'll forgive you. This time."
Finch's words actually spark a short laugh to come from Asra, who seems equally surprised by the mirth. Still, she smiles at Finch, her old woman appearance seeming a fraction more youthful for a moment. "Your capacity for forgiveness and grace is astounding, as always," she comments playfully.
But then, as the conversation turns to Chavon, a grimace of distaste to match Asra's shows through Iana's illusioned-smooth face to wrinkle her nose. "Chavon," she echoes. "Definitely a weasel. We've been watching him for a while." She does not specify who 'we' were, but when Iana speaks in that swift smooth rhythm, she almost certainly means Obsidian. "But there's never any proof for what he does! Or of who he is. He claims to be a Kasiali noble," she explains, with a brief roll of her eyes, "but nobody believes that that's true."
"Having interacted with him personally," Asra hesitantly explains, a look of distaste on her features as well. "There might be the tiniest bit of truth to his words. I wouldn't exactly call him 'noble', but I would agree that he is at least from Hara. Confirming anything beyond that with anything aside from his own word would be... difficult."
"What happened the last time you spoke with him?" Iana asks, her words coming slower now as they make their way out through more careful thought. "And what did he think of the Lady of Mists? Knowing that," she adds by way of quick explanation, "could help us figure out how to get him the message in the most effective way."
"I think he didn't know what to think, for the most part. He seemed to think she was spouting nonsense, but I definitely put him on the defensive more than once," she reported. "Though its likely any grudging respect he had for her was ruined by our hasty retreat. I can always try to spin something together to excuse it, but who knows if he'd accept it..."

"I think the biggest issue he had was not knowing what to think of me. To him, she showed up out of the blue, strutted around like she was queen of the world, and then vanished in the back of a ruddy carriage after Finch's armor started melting away. If he knew something about her, I might be able to work off of that..." The wheels start turning in her head again, and she asks, "Obsidian didn't happen to train you on, I don't know, spreading rumors or false histories about someone? Spreading stories about someone who doesn't exist?"

Re: Chapter 6 (Continued)

Posted: Wed May 08, 2024 9:50 pm
by Ianaeveli Tigenet
"I think the biggest issue he had was not knowing what to think of me. To him, she showed up out of the blue, strutted around like she was queen of the world, and then vanished in the back of a ruddy carriage after Finch's armor started melting away. If he knew something about her, I might be able to work off of that…"
"Oh, no, that's better!" Iana leans forward, eyes brightening as she declares, "You're a mystery. If he's got any curiosity about him at all, he'll want to know more about you. Of course," she has to concede with a sigh and another disdainful roll of her eyes, "there's always a chance that he hasn't got any curiosity. But even so, we can play on the fact that you put him off-balance. Then he'll want to be on guard against you."
"Obsidian didn't happen to train you on, I don't know, spreading rumors or false histories about someone? Spreading stories about someone who doesn't exist?"
The smile emerges fully onto Iana's face, sparking bright with anticipation. "Oh, that is exactly what they train us in," she declares, with a quick smile over at Garnyn. He'd like this part of Obsidian work, she suspects.

Iana pauses for a moment, casting her mind back through her classes and training, and bits overheard from her colleagues' conversations, as her illusioned eyes flick around the room, checking once more for listening ears, before returning to Asra, as she leans closer still and lowers her voice to a discreet hush.

"First, we need to get some people talking about the Lady of Mists near where we know he's going to be, so that he can just happen to overhear. Which can be you in another illusion, of course. Or a series of illusions, or allies placed strategically to talk where he can hear, if you'd like to drop a few hints over the course of a day," she offers. "Each one with a different piece of information about the Lady of Mists, and each corroborating what the others have said. Then," she continues, moving on to the next item on her list, neatly counting each one out with a precise tap of her finger on the table, "we can drop hints that the Lady of Mists might be nearby. Objects that he would associate with her. Or that he's just heard those people talking about - again, matching the information that we've just given him about the Lady of Mists, so to him, it will feel like this is corroborating the evidence that he's just heard. Perhaps we could even give the Lady a distinctive scent. Scents are always good for creating atmosphere, and for getting people to feel that something is going on without being exactly certain what." A quick grin tilts up the corners of her lips at that thought, before she finishes triumphantly, "And then, you appear as the Lady of Mists. And he'll be unsettled and off-balance, and he'll believe whatever you've told him about the Lady of Mists, and you can ask him what you like."